Strength Training for time crunched Triathlete

If you’re a time-crunched triathlete, you might find it difficult to fit in the 4th discipline – strength training. But incorporating strength training into your routine can take your fitness and speed to the next level and help prevent injury and burnout. Strength training has long been known to be beneficial for athletes in improving performance and reducing the risk of injury. Triathletes, who participate in a grueling three-sport competition, can benefit greatly from incorporating strength training into their routine. In this article, we will discuss a quick strength training session that you can easily do at home or on the road with a little planning and equipment.


Swim Bands:

This exercise consists of four different types of band work drills that can be mixed up each session. It helps build strength in the pool and reduces fatigue in the arms and shoulders.

Equipment needed:


Balance Board:

This exercise includes 30 seconds of both feet, 30 seconds of one leg, and 30 seconds of the other leg with some squats. It helps improve the balance muscles that triathletes often neglect and prevent injury.

Equipment needed:


Ab Rolling:

You can perform any ab workout here, but the ab roller works best for me as it also targets the lower back. Planks are an easy and cheap alternative, and you can switch between the two each session. This exercise improves core strength, which helps in all areas of triathlon – swimming, cycling, and running.

Equipment needed:



Good old push-ups are excellent for upper body strength. Start with a low amount and gradually increase them each week. Watch your form and stop if you experience any pain.

Equipment needed: None


Monster Walks with Band:

Band work helps open and strengthen the hips, which is highly recommended for athletes experiencing knee pain. Triathletes tend to be one direction athletes, so this

exercise helps prevent injury and build strength.

Equipment needed:

Incorporating strength training into your triathlon season can help improve your performance and prevent injury. As with any training program, it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase your workload. Mix it up if you need to and have fun with it. These exercises are also a great alternative when training if you can’t get a swim workout in or just need to stay active. Remember to be safe and happy training.

Coach Duckworth

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