Salt Lake Tri Club Athlete Spotlight

I appreciate the opportunity to do an athlete spotlight.  I am at a point in my triathlon career where I am out to have fun, be competitive in my AG, and help newer triathletes.  I am also really enjoying the opportunity to help Lucas develop into a very fast and competitive triathlete.

What motivated you to sign up for your first Triathlon?

I was motivated to get started by my beautiful daughter, but it was under difficult circumstances.  When my father passed away she was really upset and asked me “daddy will you please do whatever you can to live a long time because I don’t want to lose you.”  My father did not live a healthy lifestyle and up to that point my lifestyle was not exactly healthy either.  Hearing that from my daughter really hit me hard and inspired me to live healthier, so I contacted a good friend who had gotten into triathlon and lost 150 pounds.  At that point I decided to train, eat healthier, and do my first Sprint Triathlon.  My first Tri was Kokopelli and my race time was absolutely terrible, but I had so much fun.

My son Lucas did his first Tri that day also, the kids Tri, and he took second place.  That was the beginning for him and he has come so far since that day.

When I look back at both of our performances I get a good laugh because we had absolutely no idea what we were doing.

How long have you been doing triathlons?

Three years for both Lucas and I. 

What is your favorite part about the triathlon lifestyle?

Ironically the teamwork.  While Triathlon is an individual sport, I find that it is a team sport if you are part of the Salt Lake Tri Club.  Our members are so fun to be around that it becomes like an extended family…and we all know that every family has that one crazy uncle (Rory), but we all love our crazy uncle.  Seriously though, we love the friends we have made through Triathlon and specifically SLTC.  We look forward to the energy, teamwork, and comradery at races and the way that our members support each other is so inspiring.  In addition, having great friends to train with makes training so much more fun and we like to push each other to be better.

Lucas has really loved the fun competition between him and Chris Field, which has made him so much better.  He will have to wait until next year to have another shot at beating Chris…he was 13 seconds behind him at Jordanelle.  The people of our club are all so supportive, helpful, and encouraging of Lucas which has really made him enjoy the sport so much.

What have you learned about yourself through your training and racing?

We are all much more capable of amazing things than we give ourselves credit for.  I learned the hard way never to underestimate yourself and what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.

My second Tri was the IM Saint George 70.3 and I was in a lot pain afterwards so I thought a full was out of my range.  I was talking with a few bees who were going to wear speedo’s for a local race.  When asked if I would join them I mistakenly made the statement “after I do a full Ironman I will wear a Speedo for a local race.” I actually forgot about that statement and soon after finishing IM Texas I was reminded about my promise by several friends in the club and my wife.  I kept my word and wore a speedo for Blackridge this year.

The lesson for me was to never to assume any challenge is impossible.

Lucas has learned this in a different way.  I think he has really surprised himself with how fast he has gotten and how much he has accomplished.  He went from a kid who couldn’t swim at the beginning of the 2017 season to finishing 11th overall at Brineman and 1st in his AG.  He has really learned what can be accomplished when you work hard and I am more proud of him than I can put into words.

How do you balance training with your busy schedule?

It is never easy to find that balance.  I do most of my training very early in the morning so I can spend the days or evenings with my family.  I don’t believe there is any easy answer to this one, but you have to make sure to take care of your family first and still get enough training time.  I am fortunate enough to have a very supportive wife and I get to spend time with my son since we train together.

What are your main motivations for doing Triathlon?

Having fun and staying healthy are my biggest motivations.  However, we are all competitive and we like to improve on our times and get on the podium whenever we can.  Lucas and I have both been able to get on the podium and finish 1st in our AG this year which has been a great feeling.

What have been your major highlights/achievements?

Finishing my first Ironman in Texas this year.  I had the privilege of working with some great people along the way to help me get there and I cherish the memories throughout the whole process.  People like Rory, Adam, Jeff Bosch, my great coach Chris White, and several others helped me with different aspects of my training…I could not have done it without them.  Ultimately finishing at the same time and giving great friend/training partner Casey Merrill a hug at the finish line was an experience of a lifetime.

Another highlight that is just as important to me was doing Lucas’s first ever Sprint Tri with him at San Rafael in 2017.  Being there to help pace and support him then to cross the finish line with him was one of the proudest moments of my life.  Since that time he has gotten so fast that he would probably beat me in a Sprint.

Do you have a long term goal or race that you are working towards?

 Challenge Roth in 2020.

Lucas is working towards competitive ITU races.

What would be a successful season of Triathlon for you?

A fun season with no injuries and improvement from the previous year.

What is your fondest memory?

I have two that are both at the top of my triathlon memories

Hearing Mike Reilly say “Michael Humphries come on down, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN.”

Seeing the joy on Lucas’ face when he got on the podium for the first time.

What advice would you give to a first timer?

Never underestimate yourself, determine your ‘A’ race, get a coach, have a plan, and stick to it.  Most importantly don’t forget to have fun!

Also, never underestimate the importance of nutrition like I did in IMTX or it will earn you a nickname.  Most people know by now, but I was having a good run in Texas until I got behind on my nutrition.  I got light headed and did not want to go to medical (big mistake) because I was afraid they would pull me from the race.  I went into a Port-A-Potty and when I sat down I literally passed out for more than 20 minutes.  When I woke up I stepped out and continued my race.  I later learned that medical would not have pulled me from the race unless I needed an I-V.  I am proud of the fact that I never quit, but I would never want to see anyone do what I did.  Keep up on your nutrition and if you feel like you are going to pass out go to medical.  None the less, Adam was happy to give me the nickname “Honey Bucket” for my infamous nap time in a disgusting hot Port-A-Potty.

How would you describe your experience being a part of the SLTC?

Life Changing.

Our entire family is very proud to be a part of SLTC and of the amazing friend we have made through the club.  We cannot and do not want to imagine our lives without the Salt Lake Tri Club.